To make a better tomorrow, you have to lay the bricks today for a strong foundation. When you agree with this point, the life of your toddler can take a U-turn. For raising independent children, good behavior comes primary. Although young children can’t always behave smoothly, they require cognitive-behavioural therapy from time to time. This early training preaches them how to deal with limits surrounding an environment, compromise and disappointment. And thus, gives birth to justified tantrums and behaviors.
Looking for expert toddler care in SC? Hold on! Leaf through first some rules to make your toddler a well-behaved child.
Be Expressive
The first rule of right parenting involves showing enough affection to your child to discourage unfavorable consequences or punishments. Show your toddler your love through hugs, kisses and other small gestures of affection. By the way, praise and attention is another key to have control over their tantrums.
Set Rules and Prioritize
You’ve set specific rules for your child? Great, but don’t forcefully impose them- which might frustrate him or her. Prioritize the ones in most need like Safety and then gradually expand your list of rules over time.
Limit Tantrums With A Technique
Let’s get this straight. It’s normal for a toddler to throw tantrums, but there’s a limit of everything. To make sure your toddler doesn’t exceed let these points to cross your mind:
Access your child’s limits –
Your child may be extremely misbehaving because he is not getting what he wants.
Explain him/her calmly-
Offer suggestions to your toddler about how to do more fun with comments like “Why don’t you two take turns?”
Don’t overreact-
Sometimes when your toddler says no, listen to him. Still, if you want to make things work your way, repeat your request politely.
Utter your ‘No’ wisely–
If you say no to everything, your child is most likely to misbehave. Seek for times when it’s suitable to say yes.
Provide him/her with choices–
When possible, support your child’s independence quality by letting him do what he wants at the moment.
For example a pair of animated pajamas or favorite bedtime story.
Discourage battles–
Avoid situations that might trigger frustration or anger in your toddler. Such as don’t give your advanced child technology before it’s time.
Maintain the schedule–
The ultimate key is to keep a routine consistent so that your child follows the same path every day.
Communicate effectively–
Provide your toddler with a comfort zone so that he/she can confidently express feelings. Teach them baby sign language to demote frustration.