Lasers project Coronavirus message on Pyramids

Pyramids in Egypt deliver the core message STAY HOME – STAY SAFE as the world is suffering from the COVID-19 Coronavirus and adjusting to social distancing.
Laseronics projecting core mesage, Pyramids Cairo

Laser light projections on Pyramids say, “Stay Home – Stay Safe.” The core message delivered by Laseronics.

Laseronics-ME, using entertainment laser systems to achieve a meaningful message to the world. “Stay Home – Stay Safe”

As most of the world is coping with the Coronavirus pandemic, Laseronics and various Egyptian government officials gather (using extreme social distancing techniques) at the Pyramids to set up and run an advertising campaign “Stay Home – Stay Safe.”

Yousri El Gazar, (Principle Laseronics-ME Cairo Egypt) did not take very long to say YES to the organizing team. Using hi-power professional laser light show projectors,  Laseronics is delivering the core message “Stay Home – Stay Safe.”
Not a paid gig, the all-volunteer squad maintained the required social distancing guidelines by having technicians working in “Zones.”