With fishing season just around the corner and opening day for trout fishing this weekend (AKA “Fishmas”) – it would only make sense to share with you the benefits of these incredible animals.
It’s no secret that supplementing with fish oil has many benefits. I’ve been recommending it to my clients since cold liver oil was all that was available! Today you can find fish oil supplements that have been processed to minimize the fishy flavor.
Research indicates fish oil has a valuable role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease — lowering triglycerides, slowing the development of plaque in arterial walls and reducing blood pressure. What you may not know is that fish oil can help prevent wrinkles and delay the aging process associated with decreased collagen production.
Fish oil contains Omega 3 essential fatty acids which regulate cellular function and help promote healthy skin. By increasing the flow of blood in your skin, enzymes are stimulated to produce structural proteins needed for the formation and maintenance of collagen and elastin, proteins that are necessary for maintaining skin tone, suppleness and elasticity.
Omega 3 fish oil contains two active ingredients: EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). Both are vital nutrients, but each has important roles at different stages of life. EPA specifically has benefits for the skin:
• EPA can help limit the damage to the skin due to sun exposure and help to reduce the negative effect of UV rays.
• EPA inhibits the production of androgens, hormones that affect the production of sebum in the hair follicle. Acne and other skin problems can be attributed to excess sebum production.
• EPA helps to limit production of Arachidonic Acid, which is responsible for inflammatory responses in the body.
In other words, supplementing with fish oil that contains EPA can not only help maintain beautiful skin, but also alleviate the symptoms of skin disorders such as dry and flaky skin, psoriasis, eczema and acne as well as many other inflammatory skin conditions.