Why Brands should connect while Social Distancing ?

Why Brands should connect while Social Distancing

By: All Stars Digital

Brands should connect while Social Distancing, Here’s why

With the lockdown, a lot of brands have paused on their marketing. The logic being – if nobody is allowed to go out, nobody can purchase, leading to no sales, no profit and there is no point spending extra on marketing. When you think about it this way the logic makes sense. But the things we are failing to notice is, everyone has free time in their hands, all content that’s pushed out is going to catch more eyeballs. The brands that are going to continue to catch the attention of the potential customers during the lockdowns are the brands that are going to have the most leads, once the people are out on their shopping spree. Here are 4 reasons Why Brands should connect while Social Distancing.

1)To maintain continuity
2) Recall value
3) Giving back to the audience
4) Be a step ahead of the competition

Here are a few suggestions on how Brands should connect while Social Distancing
1) Discount in return for late delivery
2) Engaging Giveaways:
3) Vouchers for winners:
4) Relatable content